4+ Formal Letter Writing Format In English with Sample Letters

Format for writing official letters in English: We are here to share with you 4+ best formal letter formats in English that will help you easily write a good formal letter like a letter to a newspaper editor, collector, or another official person.

It will help us in many ways to write letters in real life and will also help students during exams.

Last 4 + formal letter format in English with sample letters

Format for writing an official letter in English | How to write an official letter

Sender’s address]


Recipient’s Address]



Main article {(i)Introduction

(ii) Core content

(iii) Conclusion or end of letter}]

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

[Subscription] [Sender’s name]

Format of the official letter to the editor of an English language newspaper

C-512, Shyam Colony
New Delhi.

28. March 2020

Hindustan Times
New Delhi.

Problem – Frequent interruptions of water supply in Shyam Colony.


Through your respected newspaper, I would like to convey to the authorities the good news that the water supply to the Shyam Colony in Delhi is irregular. Sometimes the water comes too late and many children have to go to school without taking a bath. Sometimes the water is not drinkable because it is impure, it contains small maggots that cause many problems for the people.

I hope that the competent authorities will investigate the matter and take corrective measures.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Yours sincerely

Format of an official letter to write a complaint about a newspaper in English

S-220, Ram Nagar

28. March 2020

Times of India

Subject – Complaint about pollution from vehicles.


In the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to the growing menace of pollution from cars.
Pollution increases the temperature every day and disturbs the ecological balance. This harms us in many ways.

This can be addressed by using green cars and fuels and making cars more efficient.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Yours sincerely
Dharam Raj

Format of the official letter for District Commissioner in English

RXB Jawahar Nagar, New Delhi.

28. March 2020

District Collector
New Delhi

Problem – Poor condition of roads and an increasing number of road accidents.


The road conditions in Jaipur are very poor in our area. The roads are littered with potholes. In some places, there aren’t even enough roads. The roads have also become bumpy.
According to police reports, the number of accidents is increasing every day. This has also increased vehicle maintenance. This problem can be solved by taking certain necessary measures in good time.

I hope for quick action.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Rajesh Kumar
Sovereign Wealth Fund

Official letter to the editor of the Hindustan Times in English

17 Janta ColonyJaipur

28. March 2020

Hindustan Times

Topic – The problem of unemployment and proposals to solve it.


The problem of unemployment left leaders perplexed during their rule in India. Long lines of our younger generation wait in front of offices looking for white-collar jobs. It is the result of blatant neglect of education and a lack of visionary policies for its management and governance.

A start can be made by offering technical training to those who show an aptitude for it. An infrastructure must be created for the marketing of products produced in these sectors.

Those who are interested and demonstrate an aptitude for learning to read and write should be given the opportunity to apply for admission to the university. How can the problem of unemployment among educated young people be solved to some extent?

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Best regards
Ram Singh

Format of the official letter for District Commissioner in English

24, Laxmi NagarJaipur

28. March 2020


Topic – Interference caused by speakers.


With all due respect, I’m staying at Laxmi Nagar in Jaipur. My exams are so close that some people are very loud on their speakers. This is a concern of many students, including myself, in our region. Our hard work will lead to less if this continues. Therefore, I ask you to control them and give them strict instructions.

Please take immediate action to control this speaker problem.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

You’re right

Also follow the format of the official letter on youtube

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